Schnabeltiere in der amerikanischen Linken - "Platypus" stellt sich vor

Die NFJ hat im Mai 2010 eine Internationale Begegnungsreise nach New York zum Thema "Antisemitismus, jüdische linke Traditionen und Antisemitismus in der Linken". Diesen Sommer findet die Rückbegegnung statt und Mitglieder der marxistischen Student_innen-Gruppe "Platypus" ("Schnabeltier") stellen sich auf dem Sommercamp vor:

We will present on the recent history of the Left in the U.S. through the history of the emergence and activities of our new student organization, the Platypus Affiliated Society. Platypus was established in 2006 in response to the failure of the Iraq anti-war movement. We formed an organization dedicated to "hosting the conversation" on the death of the Left. In particular, Adorno's critique of the 1960s New Left resonated powerfully, and led us to explore Adorno's assumptions from the history of Marxism. We find the most interesting and deepest questions and problems of modern history to be raised by Marxism, but not exclusively so. We hope to help clear or at least call critical attention to the present and historical ideological obstacles to the potential for forming a cosmopolitan Left as a truly progressive-emancipatory force.

Der Workshop findet auf Englisch statt, Simultan-/Flüsterübersetzung wird bei Bedarf arrangiert.